Volume Two

The following files comprise volume two of my personal history. To view them, simply double click the title. To download a file, right click and then choose “Save link as.” (Please be patient as the files download for you to view. Some of them are rather large.)

toc_2 Table of Contents – Volume 2

The table of contents for volume 2, which includes chapters nine through sixteen.

part_three_title_page Part Three Title Page

The title page for the third part of my personal history titled “Experiences as a Schlumberger Field Engineer.”

chapter9 Chapter Nine – The Texas Experience

Finding a job which I felt sure was my kind of work thrilled me to no end.  I was starting at what I considered an excellent salary of $275 per month and after a four-month training period I would begin receiving a bonus for each job completed.
chapter10 Chapter Ten – A Rocky Mountain High (Hello)

The Move North: Even though we had enjoyed our stay in Wharton, Texas, we left a day behind our household items in a somewhat excited state of emotion.  We weren’t sure what Glendive, Montana would bring but Esther was pleased we were locating somewhat closer to Idaho.

chapter11 Chapter Eleven – Montana, The Big Sky Country

We took a week in June of 1959, as I remember, to drive to Billings, a distance of roughly 325 miles, to find housing.  We took the girls with us, of course and stayed in a motel north of the city center just below the airport.  Billings, at that time, was a nice sized city of about 70,000 people.  It was much like Boise, the town I grew up in, being located in the valley of the Yellowstone River north and east of the park.

part_four_title_page Part Four Title Page

The title page for the fourth part of my personal history titled “Schlumberger Staff and Management Experiences.”

chapter12 Chapter Twelve – New Mexico, Land of Enchantment

I often thought that Tom was on time for his scheduled birth because he didn’t want to miss Christmas Eve.  He arrived on the 22nd of December 1964 and both Esther and he were home for that first Christmas.  Of course, by being there he had assured himself of his share of the gifts under the tree.
chapter13 Chapter Thirteen – The Obenchains Return to Rock Springs

The District Manager’s job in a Schlumberger location is variable and quite stressful.  He is responsible for providing well logging and perforating services over a defined area, which varies with activity concentration.  Schlumberger locations ran best when kept reasonable small, in the order of 3 to 5 or 6 trucks.

chapter14 Chapter Fouteen – An Opportunity as Division Engineer

We moved to Denver in the early summer of 1969 and stayed until the summer of 1971.  Though the stay was rather short, we had some good times as well as a few problems but the latter were far between and quite easily taken care of.
chapter15 Chapter Fifteen – Cajun Country with Cajun Cuisine

In the latter part of January 1975, I grabbed a plane and headed for New Orleans.  Both Esther and I realized there would be a family separation until school was out, which neither of us looked forward to.  Our lives were centered in the family and there was little joy in the prospect of being separated for the next 4 months.  However, it was an inescapable part of the livelihood I had chosen to support my family with.  The time would pass relatively fast and soon we would be together again undergoing new experiences, including a new ward, new friends, new geography and even new cuisine.
chapter16 Chapter Sixteen – My Schlumberger Career Winds Down

Late June found the Obenchain family, my branch that is, headed for Denver to close on the house we had decided to purchase.  It was located at 8367 West 71st Place in Arvada, Colorado, a northwestern suburb of Denver.